Launch Assist

Ideal For

A DSP that wants to ensure a successful, profitable, and expedited launch with reduced stress.

Service Details

DMGgo has helped 100s of DSPs launch successfully by providing experienced people, proven processes, and industry-leading technology. Our Launch Assistant will help facilitate many tasks required prior to launch.  Whether it is guidance or completing projects, your dedicated Launch Assistant will be there to support necessary steps prior to launch.

  • Ensure Amazon-Specific Requirements are Completed
  • Aid with Vehicle Rental, Account Setup, and Procurement
  • Verify All Vehicles, Devices, and Accessories are Ordered and Setup
  • Assist with Auto and Health Insurance Setup and Compliance
  • Council and Recommend Service and Technology for DSP Operations
  • Guidance around Terminology, Process Flows, and Metrics
  • Facilitate Onboarding According to Initial Ramp Plan


  • Save Time: A typical DSP is able to save up to 80 hours of time in the weeks leading up to launch.
  • Save Trouble: Our team has a proven six-week process that ensures success and eliminates stress – from entity setup to launch.
  • Save Money: The faster you ramp, the more profitable you are! Our DSP partners ramp faster and are, on average, 8% more profitable.


$50/Hr. in the weeks leading up to launch

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Launch Assist

Case studies

No Break In Between

After attempting to manage all aspects of the DSP alone, DMG began to manage a DSP in San Leandro, CA for an Owner with multiple nonprofit organizations. DMG was a great fit to streamline the processes within the DSP to allow for financial growth.

DSP Owner began with a weekly payroll policy and had no time to find out how to move to a bi-weekly schedule. DSP Owner was in the process of cancelling all routes for 1 week to avoid processing payroll the following week, and had to navigate complicated California Labor Laws. This solution was posing a significant threat to top line revenue and operating costs.

DMG Payroll researched the State laws and determined how to overcome the obstacle and remain compliant with all the laws. In turn, the DSP Owner was able to switch to the bi-weekly cycle reducing errors, lost revenue and complying with state regulations. The efficiencies and cost savings gained with bi-weekly payroll scheduling, and increasing accuracy, gave the DSP the opportunity to give every DA an increase in hourly pay.
